Special Circumstances Day

Celebrating the Genius of Iain (M.) Banks


Becase Iain (M.) Banks is awesome! – We were all greatly saddened by the news of his imminent death, and later – on June 9, 2013 – the even sadder news of his actual death. But rather than despair, let us all gather to celebrate a tribute to this great man and his work.


June 28 (a friday in 2013) – This is the day on which two of the main storylines of Walking on Glass are set (in 1983). This day has some precedence, as it has been celebrated for several years by a small number of people (as Graham Park Day), by retracing the steps of Graham to Half Moon Crescent.


Exactly how should we celebrate this day?

You could wear dark gray, the drone color for sorrow – maybe future Special Circumstances Days will warrant a different color, but this first time around is definitely a time of sorrow for all of us.

Or you could help us come up with some more eye-catching way of doing it. (Post your ideas in this thread on Iain [M] Banks Fan Forum, or on our Facebook page.)

If you want to inspiration for how to celebrate, some of the other suggestions have been:

How Can I Spread the Word?

Tell everyone you know! Especially Iain (M.) Banks fans! Let’s make this a recurring yearly celebration!
